Due to some recent auto issues, my family is having to experience the just once car syndrome. Papa Bear has been chauffeuring me to and from from work. The traffic this afternoon convinced us to stop at Athens for dinner rather than deal with the bottleneck at Harbor View Road.

To entertain the kids, I whipped out my new refurbished Blackberry Pearl which is a steal with Cingular....err...or is it AT&T these days?...with a 2 year contract. While waiting for dinner....everyone tried out the new camera gadget on it. Unfortunately, I was the guinea pig.
Here is Mare Bear's photo work.
Here is Miles Child's work (with a little help from Papa Bear)
and here is what happens when you give kids free reign in a restaurant!
Now for the FOOD! I had the veal parmesan.....
Papa had the gyro platter.....
Mare Bear had the greek chicken..... and not pictured was Miles Child's pasta that he chose only to put olive oil and parmesan on...and asked for seconds. There was also greek salads, garlic bread and adult beverages.
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