My dear brother.
How are you to night. Floyd took the mumps last Sunday then on Tuesday Mary she took them. Mary's jaws are still swollen very bad but she doesn't suffer any now. I don't know if Coreta, Ennice and I are going to get them or not.
Well we are so thankful that this cruel war is over. It was certainly God's work or we wouldn't have gained victory. How soon will you boys get to come home? Oh, there will be nothing too good for our Soldier boys when they come marching home. I will be so glad when you do get back - especially for poor mamma's sake. You have never been off her mind I guess day or night.
You won't know Sparta when you get back. My it does look strange up there. They are going to put Citizen phone central in that house Alvin Pearl use to own. Bell phone in Dell Coon's house.
Well, Johnny, I want you to come and help us eat some pork. We have our butchering done - hog weighed about 200 lbs. I had about gallons of lard and nearly 1 1/2 gallons of sausage. We sold our poultry that we raised this summer. I had over $42 for my share beside what we ate this summer. I saved out a duck to eat. Well do you know whose birthday comes the last of this month. ha ha. 38 this month and been kissed lots of times.
Willie hasn't got his corn quite all husked yet. Mr. Vansickle has been very sick so he is just out around now helped to butcher and helped to catch the chickens. Coreta was to Mildred Bells 4 1/2 weeks. So we heard school begins tomorrow, but we don't know for sure. Johnny, why don't you write us a big letter and let us know if you ever receive our letters.
Mamma said young M.H. Kaufman had influenza. Minnie then had it too. But we don't know how they are now. Sarah Reed & husband and kid moved to Akron. He gets $140 a month right in the start. Well I can't think of any more so I will close.
Good bye from your sister,
Rose Shepard
Write when you can.
The ruminations of a lowcountry girl who, after traipsing around the South, finds herself at home in RVA (aka the frozen North of the South).
Saturday, November 03, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
October 28, 1918
Dear brother,
How are you getting along by this time. I have been writing every Sunday untill yesterday. We had company for dinner. Mr. Wm. Vail furnished a chicken so I got dinner for him. Willie, Luella, John Wesley and Donald came over in the after-noon awhile. Hall's children came down in the afternoon stayed quite a while in the evening so you see I didn't have much chance to write.
I suppose mamma has told you Rella had sold out to Rob Snow. What do you think of that. Rella has bought that place George Davis used to own. If I had been Stella I would hated to part with it. They had it fixed up so nice. Willie's received his questionnaire to day. It is hard to tell how it will turn out.
Dr. Larimore goes this Wednesday as a War Dr. I don't know how we will get along. Well Johnny, I have got it in my side as bad as ever. Can't get any more of my medicine. Bert Rush has the Fluenza not able to be in the store so I don't know when they will send for any more. The druggist wife over at Centerburg is at the point of death with that disease too so we don't want to go there after it.
I haven't been home for over 4 wks. I don't like to go to Sparta. Dell Mitchell has influenzy. It is so contagious. Van Sickle's children have the mumps so has Ethel Kenney. We are exposed to them, but haven't got them yet. Mamma walked over here Tue. morning. We got weighed. Mamma weighed 116 and I 115. Don't you think we are going some for two ladies ha.ha.
Floyd is well. The rest are all well. Coreta went back to Mildred Bell's last night. It will make her two wks and a half if she stays all wk this wk. Willie is hauling us some wood to day. We have been having nice weather. Rained last night and this morning. Quit raining and turned quite a bit cooler. We got 50 cent a dozen for eggs last wk, but I'm afraid I won't have a dozen to sell this wk.
Will close. Hoping to hear from you soon.
From your sister Rose
Tomorrow Willie and I will be married 5 years.
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Somewhere in Bloomfield 30-Sep-1918
Somewhere in Bloomfield
September 30, 1918
Dear Uncle,
I received your card and sure was glad to hear from you. I couldn't read what was on the other side. Write and explain.
Well I was at the Morrow County Fair. I went with Mr. Van Sickles He paid my way in. I stayed all night at their house Wednesday night and went o the fair Thursday and stayed there Thursday night and came home Friday morning. I seen Ross Turner and John Gulauf and several others. There were a lot of gypsies or fortune tellers on the grounds. There were two young girls that called some boys up at their tent. They called the boys "sweet lips". Now if you had a been there, they would have called you "sweet lips". There was a girl and woman run over with a buggy and horse. They were taken away in an ambulance. We heard afterward that they died. I seen them after it was done.
Miss Sprague has given up her room because there were so many new ones from Bloomfield and didn't give her enough pay. Mr. Langstaff, the grammar room teacher, went home to Richwood Wednesday night and brought home a young girl which is the girl he goes with. Her name is miss Skouts, She is very pretty. He waits for her after school and carries her books and goes to Mason's where they board.
Well this is the last day of September. Grandma was here Saturday. We had Hall's Ouija board. We asked it where you were. It said France. Then we asked it where at in France. It said Revelley. I was up at Hall's Sunday afternoon. They had company from Akron. Orie & Ennice went down to Hubble's. The men teased me about Orie all the time. So when he came home they took Orie's and my picture. He is going to send one to Orie and me.
We have a dandy organ now. When you come home you will have to play for us. Well we have some new preacher. He is an old man and had four grown up children. Mamma and Ennice are shelling beans. Mary is washing dishes. I will have to wipe them. Mabel Rathburn is married. She was married Thursday at Mt. Gilead. Charley Gardner is at Camp Sherman. Floyd is playing with some roadted sweet corn.
Pearl Harrod told me that there were lots of girls working in a factory. One of the girls said her finger hurt so she spoke of it every little bit. The rest thought maybe it was catching so they reported it to the head man. He told her to come to him for him to examine her finger. She didn't want to go, but he made her and there was a large needle in the side of her finger which she punctured every gas mask and spoilt them. I don't know how true this was.
Well, I will have to close to get my lessons. Write soon.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Good bye
Many more times I can't even express in words. Coreta
Sans peur et sans merci
Familier mons pays!
What is this?
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Somewhere in the heart of Bloomfield.....Coreta Geiger
Centerburg, Ohio.
Sept. 21, 1918
Dear Uncle,
We received your letter today and was sure glad to hear from you. Well I am fifteen now. I expect you will bring a French girl home with you. School is going on just fine. I like the professor Mason just fine. Mr. Langstaff the Grammar room teacher is our English teacher. He chews chewing gum all the time. Then sticks it along the side of the desk. The Grammar room girls told Mick Harrod. He said if there were anymore on the desk, he would tell Mason.
We have a basketball game. Mr. Langstaff has had his nose broke twice and one or two fingers broke. Well this is Monday evening. My fountain pen is run out of ink and my ink is at school. I've got a letter from Zulauf, he is in France. He says the French have brown bread and lots of good stuff to eat. We kids ride in a large wagon which has a row of seats on each side, two little windows in front and two behind and also a door.
I stayed at grandma's last night. Ruth and Jeanette were over here yesterday. Well Saturday I took the pony and the buggy that we use and got Ruth and Jeannette and Jeanette stayed with Mary while Ruth and I went to Centerburg. When we got back, Jeannette wanted to stay all night so she went and called up her mother and she said she could so we went up to Hall's Saturday night. We played reaching for a song book. They blindfolded my eyes and tied my wrists together and told me to reach high for the song boo, then Orie slipped under my arms and someone pulled my arms down and I had my arms around his neck when they took the rag off my eyes.
So Sunday Ruth came down and we went to Sunday School. In the after noon we went over to the chestnut trees but there was not enough frost Saturday night to do any good. Then Eunice went up after Orie and the Ouija board. We asked it lot of questions and it sure did spell them out to answer them. Asked it how old I was and it went to fifteen.
Harold Hancook was on a furlow and they had a large dinner which he didn't know about. They were his relatives. Then at night they had a party for him which the girls were to invite their partners. I wasn't invited because I guess I had gone on the wagon for she or Florence saw me but I couldn't went anyhow. Ruth couldn't go either.
Conard Birch is on an eighteen day furlow. Alice Boyd has the mumps. Taylors are moving to Mt. Vernon. Wallie Sears is sick and the Doctor Huggins don't know what it is. He said it was or he thought it was Typhoid fever or Spinal something and also another large name. But he sent some of his blood to be analyzed. Mrs. Knoff has the Typhoid fever. I may go to the Morrow County Fair Thursday or Friday but I don't know for sure, I haven't anything of your "dear little Edith" for a long time. We heard that Mr. Warner is across. Sent me some French words.
Well I guess I will have to close so as to clean my white shoes tonight for school tomorrow. It is early 7:30 now. Well John McCormick has moved on the Joe Easterday place. I guess school is going on so far pretty well. Write soon as you can. We sure are glad to hear from you. I guess I can't think of any more. Will close.
Good bye S.W.A.K.
Coreta Geiger
xxxx many more but can't express on paper
Well I am fifteen going on sweet sixteen but never been kissed. Ha! Ha!
This is some gum I am sending you. Write and tell me if you got it.
So Sunday Ruth came down and we went to Sunday School. In the after noon we went over to the chestnut trees but there was not enough frost Saturday night to do any good. Then Eunice went up after Orie and the Ouija board. We asked it lot of questions and it sure did spell them out to answer them. Asked it how old I was and it went to fifteen.
Harold Hancook was on a furlow and they had a large dinner which he didn't know about. They were his relatives. Then at night they had a party for him which the girls were to invite their partners. I wasn't invited because I guess I had gone on the wagon for she or Florence saw me but I couldn't went anyhow. Ruth couldn't go either.
Conard Birch is on an eighteen day furlow. Alice Boyd has the mumps. Taylors are moving to Mt. Vernon. Wallie Sears is sick and the Doctor Huggins don't know what it is. He said it was or he thought it was Typhoid fever or Spinal something and also another large name. But he sent some of his blood to be analyzed. Mrs. Knoff has the Typhoid fever. I may go to the Morrow County Fair Thursday or Friday but I don't know for sure, I haven't anything of your "dear little Edith" for a long time. We heard that Mr. Warner is across. Sent me some French words.
Well I guess I will have to close so as to clean my white shoes tonight for school tomorrow. It is early 7:30 now. Well John McCormick has moved on the Joe Easterday place. I guess school is going on so far pretty well. Write soon as you can. We sure are glad to hear from you. I guess I can't think of any more. Will close.
Good bye S.W.A.K.
Coreta Geiger
xxxx many more but can't express on paper
Well I am fifteen going on sweet sixteen but never been kissed. Ha! Ha!
This is some gum I am sending you. Write and tell me if you got it.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
To Johnny From Rose - September 15, 1918
Dear Johnny,
How are you by this time? I have the headache this morning. Coreta has a bad sore throat had to go to the Dr. I took Floyd to the Dr. last night. He has been having a sore throat and bowel trouble. The Dr. said it was an epidemic going around. He said he never saw so much of it. But we are able to eat three times a day. Mary & Floyd are over at the church. Coreta just came home. Our kids are hauled to Sparta school. Couldn't get a teacher so they hired Mr. Eroz to haul them to Sparta.
Mamma came over with the children Fri. evening stayed until Sat. eve. We took her home last night. I didn't go to the house for dada had gone to bed. Jimmie Huntsman is a papa, but I don't suppose Mamma told you all the news.
Well we have the silo filled. I don't remember if I told you or not. Got our piece of wheat sowed, that over there at Harley's got some corn cut. We got 38 cents a doz for eggs, 40 cents a lb for butter, but potatoes are three dollars a bushel, sweet ones are 8 cents a lb. Johnny, I cant remember what I write from one time to the next. Did I tell you Willie's sister Hattie & Husband, Jacks's sister and their children and Sylvia & Rob was all here last Sunday for dinner? Looked about like thrashers. On Saturday before we had 14 men for dinner beside Mr. Van Sickles family and we had over the silo fillers. Next will be clover hullers and corn shredders. Maybe that will be all.
Harley wants us to stay next year but it is hard telling what will happen before our year is out. Myrtle Wells went to Mt. Vernon yesterday and bought herself a piano. I expect we will have lots of music now - don't you? Myrtle's beau had to go to Camp Sherman. She seemed to feel pretty bad.
Johnny, there is four of Halls children Taylors two are here so you can imagine how it sounds around here. Mr. VanSickle and part of the family attend the State Fair. He is talking of taking us to the Mt. Gilead fair. It commences the 23rd to the 27th. I think that is the date. Robs want us to go with them to Coshocton Fair. I don't know if we will go or not.
Well I can't think of any more so will close. With love to my brother. Write if you can. From your sister. Rose.
Friday, June 08, 2018
Bloomfield Ohio Sept. 2.1918
Bloomfield O
Dear brother:-
How are you by this time. We are all able to be around as dada use to say. Well this is the third letter I have written to you since I received your card so I will expect to hear from you some of these days. How do you like the new home or country. I expect you see some pretty girls. They always claim the French girls are handsome. School began yesterday over at Sparta. Hasn't commenced here haven't any teacher. They are talking of hauling them to Sparta.
Did you know a man by the name of Blaine Page? He was killed by the cars today. He was in an auto. Floyd talks so much about you. He has been real well for him this summer. Had a spell with his stomach and bowels, but is better now. Ennice is down to Jay Bells today. Mary & Floyd are over at Taylors. Coreta is at school. Willie is out at the farm.
Did you get sick on the water? The thought of the water is enough for me. All of the men from 18 to 45 or 60 has to register the 12 of this month. Aunt Flora sent Mamma the prettiest service flag. She said you didn't think enough of your only aunt to send her a card. I suppose Mamma told you. Dada & Mamma are over to Mt. Liberty this wk. Coreta was at Mt. Liberty nearly a wk. Luella brought her home and stayed for dinner. Truex's have their home up for sale. I don't know where they want to go. John Reid said their place was for sale. Mamma, the children and I all went down to Anna Reeds for dinner last Thursday. Had a fine chicken dinner.
Willie just came in said we had a fresh cow out here. I ask him what we would have for supper said we could have new milk. I am glad I don't like milk. ha,ha Harleys are all well as common. Mrs. Van Sickle has been real poorly, but is better now. What do you suppose rubber boots are worth now days? Willie and Ennice each got them a pair. Had to pay $5.50 a piece. I got a new skirt cost $6.50.
Well I can't think of any more so I will close. Hoping to hear from you.
Your Sister,
love to Johnny.
May God bless you and bring you safe home again.
Tuesday, May 08, 2018
From Rose - Aug 20, 1918
Aug 20, 1918
" 21,
To my dear brother,
How are you by this time? I do hope you keep well. And how are you getting along? It seems so long since you wrote to me but such is life. This is the second letter I have wrote to you but I suppose you haven't received the other one yet. Well I suppose they are going to make more enlist all now between 18-45 so that will catch lots more of our boys and husbands.
Well Johnny, I went to the farmer's picnic in the afternoon. Was a very large crowd not many young men. Two soldier boys - one was a Umstead from Marengo. The Centerburg band played they played that piece called "Over There". I suppose you have heard that. Umstead sang it while hey played it. It was certainly beautiful. Saw so may people I knew. I was talking to Minnie Hulse says she heard from Clyde right along. He got 9 letters from home all at once. I'll bet he was busy for awhile don't you?
Abbott Bird died real sudden yesterday the 19th - either heart trouble or acute indigestion. Rob and Sylvia sat up there with the dead last night. Rob owns a Ford now - last yr model. I don't know what he paid for it. We are well as common. Floyd is so tanned you wouldn't know him. Mary has hives so bad, alright other ways. Coreta is visiting over at Mt. Liberty. Went last Saturday eve. Ennice is helping Jay Bell. Willie has been hauling manure.
Our folks are well as common.They walked down to Anna Reed's yesterday. Walked over here last Saturday. Mr. VanSickle isn't very well - complains quite a bit. Ober Bishop is papa again - another boy. Named him Alonzo. How is that for Obers? Uncle Henry and Clarence went down to see Ray said he was looking good. He said they was lucky to find him. Way they talked he was going to leave there. We are having quite a rain just now. First for a long time. It looks good. Well if I could talk to you I could say lots more. Well good-bye
From your sister, Rose
Johnny, it is always on my mnd. God will take care of you. Write when you can.
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Centerburg, Ohio- Feb. 22, 1919.
Centerburg, Ohio Feb. 22, 1919 Dear Uncle, I received your letter today. Mr. Van Sickle gave it to me this morning. Grandma gave it...
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