Today is a VERY special day. Milesaball-Z is sharing his birthday with Papa Bear! OK, so they do this every year since Papa Bear turned 40. It makes it rather easy for me to keep track of ages now doesn't it. Our plan for the day is to have the usual Sunday dinner feast at Mammaw and Pappaw's and then it's off to
The Joe for a
Riverdogs game. Even if you are not a baseball fan, this stadium is well worth the visit. It is nestled in the crook of the Ashley River and the marsh. The views are spectacular. Our seats are front row, behind home plate and next to the Riverdogs dugout - Sweet! (Thank you, Jay with
Remind me to take my camera so I can post some photos later :)
This was dinner at Mammaw's. It is typical of what we eat every Sunday. In case you can't tell by this blurry image, it is chicken, corn, broccoli, yams, squash, fried okra, salad and fruit (combined so I can skip the dressing) . If anyone ever leaves this house hungry, there's something wrong!

Next we have the birthday cake with my two birthday boys in the background. Lizzy had to doctor the cake with extra icing because someone in this picture couldn't resist dragging his fingers through the delicious goo. Of course, dessert is another typical course offered after dinner every Sunday.

We made it to the game - a little late, but we made it. This picture was taken while walking to our seats. As you can tell, the tide was out and there was a nice breeze. For those of you who can't tell the tide with only a glance, I'll show you a comparison in a bit.

Here's the view from our seats. We had the entire section to ourselves. It was a dog day, too! By this I mean that dogs were allowed at the ballpark. It seemed too hot to bring our Salleydog - so I'm not sure how the other poor dogs managed. There were several field events for dogs between innings. One was a bone eating competition between man and beast. Another was musical sitting - when the music stopped, the dog who sat down last was out.

The Charleston Riverdogs, a minor league of the NY Yankees, were playing against the Savannah Sand Gnats. Lizzy walked over to the Riverdogs' dugout to take this picture. She was asked to move because she was not allowed that close to the players during the game. Later, an official came over to her to apologized. He gave her a baseball that had been in play.
Turns out attendance is down on Sundays. I attribute this to the heat. On Sundays, the game starts a little earlier at 16:05. It is still full sun and steamy - even with the coastal breeze blowing. The last two innings were the most comfortable. By then, the sun was beginning to set and we were finally in the shade.
After the game was over, Milesaball-Z ran the bases several times to expend some of his pint up energy while Mary got about 20 autographs on her baseball. I didn't thnk to take a picture of the ball. I'll do that later if I think of it.

This picture was taken as we were leaving. As you can tell, the tide did come back in.