Sunday, June 10, 2018

To Johnny From Rose - September 15, 1918


Dear Johnny,
          How are you by this time?  I have the headache this morning. Coreta has a bad sore throat had to go to the Dr.  I took Floyd to the Dr. last night.  He has been having a sore throat and bowel trouble.  The Dr. said it was an epidemic going around.  He said he never saw so much of it. But we are able to eat three times a day.  Mary & Floyd are over at the church.  Coreta just came home.  Our kids are hauled to Sparta school.  Couldn't get a teacher so they hired Mr. Eroz to haul them to Sparta.
           Mamma came over with the children Fri.  evening stayed until Sat. eve.  We took her home last night.  I didn't go to the house for dada had gone to bed.  Jimmie Huntsman is a papa, but I don't suppose Mamma told you all the news. 
            Well we have the silo filled.  I don't remember if I told you or not.  Got our piece of wheat sowed, that over there at Harley's got some corn cut.  We got 38 cents a doz for eggs, 40 cents a lb for butter, but potatoes are three dollars a bushel, sweet ones are 8 cents a lb.  Johnny, I cant remember what I write from one time to the next.  Did I tell you Willie's sister Hattie & Husband, Jacks's sister and their children and Sylvia & Rob was all here last Sunday for dinner?  Looked about like thrashers.  On Saturday before we had 14 men for dinner beside Mr. Van Sickles family and we had over the silo fillers.  Next will be clover hullers and corn shredders.  Maybe that will be all.
             Harley wants us to stay next year but it is hard telling what will happen before our year is out.  Myrtle Wells went to Mt. Vernon yesterday and bought herself a piano.  I expect we will have lots of music now - don't you?  Myrtle's beau had to go to Camp Sherman.  She seemed to feel pretty bad.
              Johnny, there is four of Halls children Taylors two are here so you can imagine how it sounds around here.  Mr. VanSickle and part of the family attend the State Fair.  He is talking of taking us to the Mt. Gilead fair. It commences the 23rd to the 27th.  I think that is the date.  Robs want us to go with them to Coshocton Fair. I don't know if we will go or not.
               Well I can't think of any more so will close.  With love to my brother.  Write if you can. From your sister. Rose.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Bloomfield Ohio Sept. 2.1918

Bloomfield O
                           Dear brother:-
            How are you by this time.  We are all able to be around as dada use to say. Well this is the third letter I have written to you since I received your card so I will expect to hear from you some of these days.  How do you like the new home or country.  I expect you see some pretty girls.  They always claim the French girls are handsome.  School began yesterday over at Sparta.  Hasn't commenced here haven't any teacher.  They are talking of hauling them to Sparta.
            Did you know a man by the name of Blaine Page?  He was killed by the cars today.  He was in an auto.  Floyd talks so much about you.  He has been real well for him this summer.  Had a spell with his stomach and bowels, but is better now.  Ennice is down to Jay Bells today.  Mary & Floyd are over at Taylors.  Coreta is at school.  Willie is out at the farm.
             Did you get sick on the water?  The thought of the water is enough for me.  All of the men from 18 to 45 or 60  has to register the 12 of this month.  Aunt Flora sent Mamma the prettiest service flag.  She said you didn't think enough of your only aunt to send her a card.  I suppose Mamma told you.  Dada & Mamma are over to Mt. Liberty this wk.  Coreta was at Mt. Liberty nearly a wk.  Luella brought her home and stayed for dinner.  Truex's have their home up for sale.  I don't know where they want to go.  John Reid said their place was for sale.  Mamma, the children and I all went down to Anna Reeds for dinner last Thursday.  Had a fine chicken dinner.
              Willie just came in said we had a fresh cow out here.  I ask him what we would have for supper said we could have new milk.  I am glad I don't like milk. ha,ha  Harleys are all well as common.  Mrs. Van Sickle has been real poorly, but is better now.  What do you suppose rubber boots are worth now days?  Willie and Ennice each got them a pair.  Had to pay $5.50 a piece.  I got a new skirt cost $6.50.  
                Well I can't think of any more so I will close.  Hoping to hear from you.
                                                                                             Your Sister,
                                                                                                  love to Johnny.
May God bless you and bring you safe home again.

Centerburg, Ohio- Feb. 22, 1919.

 Centerburg, Ohio Feb. 22, 1919 Dear Uncle,       I received your letter today.  Mr. Van Sickle gave it to me this morning.  Grandma gave it...