This photo album is a bit delicate and in need of repair. I decided that before I mend the book, I would document what is in the album so that the album does not need to be opened as often and the pictures do not need to be removed for examination. I will also provide the relationship to Rose (if known) and given surname's will be capitalized. I will only advise what written on the backside if it is more than just a name.
Photo #1 - Monroe Hipsley KAUFMAN. 6/19/1893 -7/14/1961. There is a note that reads "To Rosa - From your Aunt Flora Nov 5th, 1893". Monroe is a 1st cousin to Rose.
Photo # 2 - Raymond TERRELL. The backside is addressed to Rose Geiger. There is a Raymond Terrell b. abt 1903 in the vicinity. The parents listed in the 1910 census for this person is Julius & Christine Terrell of Chester Twsp, Morrow Co, OH. This also matches the fact that the photo had to have been presented to Rose between 1901-1910 as Rose only used Geiger as a last name during this period of time.

Photo #3 - Ray BUTLER. b. abt 1846. I also have him in a 1917 Butler Family reunion photo. Raymond is a 1st cousin to Rose.

Photo #4 - Rella A. HATTON. 1880-1860. Rella is Rose's brother-in-law.

Photo # 5 is Amy Estella BUTLER Hatton. Goes by Stella. 7/23/1884-5/27/1961. Stella is Rose's sister.

Photo #6 -Rella & Stella Hatton. Relationship previosly mentioned.

Photo #7 - Rose Emily BUTLER Geigaer Shepard, age 18. Goes by Rosa. 11/30/1880 - 12/05/1955. Married Louis Geiger by 1901. They divorced around 1908. They had three children Christina (1902, stillborn), Coreta Mae (1903), Mary Elizabeth (1907). She remarried around 1912 to William Shepard. They had twins Lloyd & Floyd Shepard in 1914. Lloyd was stillborn.

Photo # 8 - Louis E. GEIGER. Born abt 1882. My family was told he was born in Germany and came to America when he was a small child. Census records indicate he was born in Ohio. He had a brother, Leonard, who supposedly moved to San Francisco right before the earthquake and was never heard from again. Coreta's children only saw him two or three times in their life and did not consider him a grandfather.

Photo # 9 - Louis GEIGER age 19 - an address of 107 East Burgess, Mt. Vernon, Ohio is listed on the back. Taken around 1900. I'm told the house still stands and it was once the address of Miller Studios. The photo was taken by Miller Studios. It does not make much sense that it would have it's own address listed.
Photo #10 - Louis & Rose Geiger holding daughter Coreta Mae GEIGER. Taken in 1903. Louis and Rose are both wering a photo of one another.

Photo #11 - Rose Emily BUTLER Geiger Shepard. Unsure of the age. I have a metal photo with her wearing the same dress. It was also taken at Miller Studies. I am only guessing that she and Louis may have had their photos taken about the time they were married. Which would place this one around 1900.
Photo #12 Louis Geiger's Father - name unknown. Photo was taken in Cleveland.

Photo #13 - Louis's mother - name unknown.

Photo #14 - Minnie KAUFMAN Loschky. 1930 census has last name listed as Lorchby. Minnie is Rose's 1st cousin.

Photo #15 - Blanche KAUFMAN Jessel. b. 1884. A note on the backside reads "Compliments of Blanche to Mrs. Rose Geiger, Morrow Co. Mlanche is a 1st cousin to Rose.
Photo # 16 - Annie Scarborough Reed. There are Scarborough and Reeds who are cousins to Rose, but I have no idea how/if Annie is related.

Photo #17 - Don HATTON (nephew), Mary Elizabeth GEIGER (daughter), Coreta Mae GEIGER (daughter)
Photo #18 - Flora SPECK Kaufman's children. On the back is written: "Presented to Rosa by Aunt Flora Mar.10.1901 BEK 11yr, MEK 8, MHK 1 when taken" The initials are for Blanche, Minnie & Monroe. All are 1st cousin's to Rose.
Photo #19 - Fred Hulse. I'm going with Friend of the Family. He was b. 1876 & lived in the same township as Rose & her parents.
Photo #20 - Pierce, School teacher for Rose

Photo #21 - Dr. & Lucy Speese. May be written incorrectly as I find nothing of this name in the area. I do have some letters that reference them.

Photo #22 - Wedding picture of Rose & William SHepard

Photo #23 - unidentified
Photo #24 - unidentified
Photo #25 -Coreta GEIGER (daughter) & neighbor. This is a thumbnail photo that may have been taken at a photo booth.
Photo #26 - John BUTLER (brother) & Cramer boy. I have 30 letter that Rose Butler & Coreta Geiger wrote to John during WWI.
The remaining photos are ferrotypes. The first four were on the same page and identified by Rose's daughter, Coreta in 1981.
Photo # 27. Flora (Aunt)& Augusta (mother) SPECK. Conspicuously missing is their brother Clinton who would be two years older than Flora
Photo # 28 - William SPECK b. 1822-aft 1880. Roses's grandfather. The History of Morrow County has teo entries for William Speck that read:
"Said to be one of the finest sawyers in the southwestern part of the county. His saw mill has a capacity of from 8000-10000 feet per day. The engine is 30 horse power and the saw is double circular. Mr. Speck deserves much credit for the invention of simple mechanical contrivances, whereby the labor of one man is saved. The head sawyer, standing on a platform four feet square could do his own setting, and could change his logs at will by the agency of levers."
"WM. B. SPECK, miller; Sparta; was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, in 1822; son of Augustus and Sarah (Reed) Speck; be is a miller, as was also his father, and is said to be one of the finest sawyers in the southwestern part of the county; his grand-father was a Saxon, and, while passing through Germany, was seized and pressed into the army, and his regiment was employed by the British, to assist in quelling the rebellious colonies in America, but while the troops were coming to this country, he succeeded in making his escape. Mr. Speck's grand-father Reed claims to have built the first log cabin where Steubenville now stands. His grand-mother Reed had three brothers, who were present at Crawford's defeat. Mr. Speck was married in 1838 to Elizabeth Lewis, and has by her a family of three children-Clinton B., Flora A., and Augusta V. Clinton is in the drain tile business in South Bloomfield Tp; Augusta is married to George W. Butler, and lives in the. same township; Flora A. lives at home with her father, and is the possessor of unusual musical talent. Mr. Speck owns the present saw mill at Sparta, which is said to be one of the handiest in the county. There were eleven children in Mr. Speck's father's family, and when the father died, there had not been a death before in the family for forty-five years."

#29 - William SPECK & Elizabeth LEWIS Speck are Rose's grandparents.
#30 - Sarah REED Speck (1789 - 1875). Rose's great grandmother.
#31 - Alman SCOTT. Neighbor to Rose's Uncle Henry BUTLER
#32 - Mary Elizabeth GEIGER 1907-1931. Rose's daughter.
#33 - Rose is the back right. Not certain of the others. Possibly her brothers & sister.

#34 - unidentified

Hi- my name is Tanner Monroe Jessel, Blanche Kaufman is my great grandmother. She was married for a while to Herman Jessel until his death, when she remarried and my grandfather went to live with his grandparents. One of Blanche's sons was Walter Jessel, my grandfather. My middle name is after Monroe Kaufman. I just googled "Flora and "unusual musical talent" and found your page. One of my father's cousins, David Jessel, lives in Atlanta and did a lot of research for Sons of the American Revolution. Apparently Blanche is a descendent of a Revolutionary war veteran. I guess that means you are as well, if Blanche is Geiger's 1st cousin. David lives in Atlanta I wonder if you've talked to him before about this?
Hi. It's been awhile since I have visited my own blog and years since I looked at any genealogy. I, too, moved to Atlanta and it really dirupted all my good and bad habits. I do recall communicating on several occassions with David by email. Now I will have to look up those messages and try to piece things back together. Thanks for posting!
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